Page 332
Maybe an AI lawyer isn’t such a good idea.
I added some much overdue content to the website! Including links to buy Phobos and Deimos, and links to other webcomics. Webcomics are great. And, so far, tariff-free.
↓ Transcript
Panel 1: Maida: "Yeah, on what charge?" Lawerbot (cheerfully): "That info not available!"
Panel 2: Lawyerbot: "I've been provided to ya by Justice Bloc to reassure you that due process will be followed."
Panel 3: Maida: "Let's try this. I want a new lawyer. Or literally anyone besides you to represent me. Can you do that?"
Panel 4: Lawyerbot (smiling condescendingly): "So sorry, but minimum legal standards don't require that. Until yur trial, ya can't be permitted contact wit outside. At that time, yu're free to purchase additional legal advice."
Panel 5: Lawyerbot: "Yur two minute are up, Maida! B.B.!" The screen goes blank. Maida hits her fist against the wall uselessly. Maida: "URRR!" Narrator: "No way was that two minutes."
Panel 6: Computer voice: "Night time cycle begins in one minute." Maida: "What?! No! It hasn't been a whole day yet!"
Panel 7: As the lights rapidly dim, Maida slides down the wall into sitting on the floor, crying.
Panel 2: Lawyerbot: "I've been provided to ya by Justice Bloc to reassure you that due process will be followed."
Panel 3: Maida: "Let's try this. I want a new lawyer. Or literally anyone besides you to represent me. Can you do that?"
Panel 4: Lawyerbot (smiling condescendingly): "So sorry, but minimum legal standards don't require that. Until yur trial, ya can't be permitted contact wit outside. At that time, yu're free to purchase additional legal advice."
Panel 5: Lawyerbot: "Yur two minute are up, Maida! B.B.!" The screen goes blank. Maida hits her fist against the wall uselessly. Maida: "URRR!" Narrator: "No way was that two minutes."
Panel 6: Computer voice: "Night time cycle begins in one minute." Maida: "What?! No! It hasn't been a whole day yet!"
Panel 7: As the lights rapidly dim, Maida slides down the wall into sitting on the floor, crying.
Oh wow, I haven’t even heard of some of those comics! I’ll check ’em out!