Like any good philosophy, or conspiracy theory, some of this must be true, and some of it is probably not. The question is, which parts.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1: Sonder: "Each crisis, each fall, can be transformed into a rebirth. The energy of collapse cannot be destroyed, but it can be calculated for."
Panel 2: Sonder: "Like gravity pulling on an orbiting body that never lands, I believe civilisation can be given a trajectory of perpetual fall. A fall never realized." He mimes two objects pulling on each other with his hands.
Panel 3: Sonder, turning to the camera: "We have no choice. Another fall of civilisation would mean the end of humanity."
Panel 4: The interviewer also turns to the camera to address his audience. Interviewer: "We're speaking with Doctor Sonder Khemani, billionaire programmer turned president of Earth's latest experiment in nation-building. He has been called a 'disruptor,' and a 'renaissance man,' as well as a 'megalomaniac' and a 'cyber-terrorist.'"
Panel 5: The video vanishes. Interviewer (off camera): "Perhaps, as he is so fond of saying, history will be the only force fit to judge him."
Panel 6: The lights click on in a small, blank, white room. Maida wakes up, her head uncovered, her hair a mess.