Well that can’t be good.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1: Further ahead, the queue passes through a gateway. There are uniformed guards nearby, and a flock of robotic birds in the rafters above. Announcement: "Refrain from makin any sudden gestures or loud noises, to assist our screenin algorithm in identifyin t'reats to yur safety." Maida: "In the photo he's dressed like a Kuiper Belter. It looks like he's with them."
Panel 2: She closes her screen again. Maida: "Was he way out on the edge of the Solar System this whole time?" Zaynab: "That would make sense for why you couldn't find him."
Panel 3: Announcement: "The Green Alert system is safe and discreet way to..." Zaynab: "It could also just be how he's dress though, right?" Zaynab steps through the gateway. Maida: "But yeah, it explains why there's no record of him before now."
Panel 4: When Maida steps through the gateway, a screen she can't see pops up a message that says "aberrant biology detected" when it scans her.
Panel 5: A loud siren sounds. Maida turns around. Announcement: "Orange alert! Orange alert!"
Panel 6: From the floor beneath Maida, a clear cylinder rises up quickly to trap her inside.