↓ Transcript
Panel 1: Maida closes her screen again. Maida: "Better me than my mum. She doesn't have money!" Zaynab: "Okay. I'm not trying to change your mind. But I could help! I could pay for both of us."
Panel 2: Maida looks away. Maida: "I couldn't ask you to do that, Zaynab." Zaynab: "It's no trouble!"
Panel 3: Zaynab: "This could be life or deaf! Of course I'll help you find your brovver. And anyways, Ui-Te-Rangiora is way cheaper than the schools my parents had bin saving up for. I have money."
Panel 4: Maida collapses, crying. Maida: "Oh, Zaynab! I don't deserve a friend like you." Zaynab: "Also I don't fink you should go by yourself. You're a bit mad right now."
Panel 5: Zaynab gets ready for bed again while Maida leans against Nat's bed frame. Maida: "Ha ha. I'm not gonna be able to sleep at all tonight." Zaynab: "Yeh. I know what you mean."
Panel 6: Outside the street is dark and nearly everyone's lights are out.