The best place to build a space elevator is right on the equator. A space elevator has its far end hanging past geostationary orbit, which is what keeps the string taut and the elevator up. The Earth is moving pretty fast at the equator, which means you’ve got that much less elevator to build. And if the easiest way to get around on Earth is through the same undersea train network that Maida and Zaynab have been using, then the best part of the equator to build an elevator on is near the coast. This makes for only a few places left, and you really don’t want to go around building that many space elevators anyways. Maybe four is plenty? Which is all to say that Libreville, Gabon, not a major city in the present day, is set to be a global transportation hub in the 26th century. Not that you’ll get to see much of it if you never step outside the transit network.